City buses

Innovative and reliable buses for every journey

Special vehicles
Дизел аутобуси Ариес су такозвана мултифункционална возила: унутрашњост се може претворити у превоз путника, унесрећених или у конфигурацију аутобуса у магистралу за само два и по сата. Ова возила су опремљена најсавременијим уређајима за активну и пасивну безбедност, као и системима за помоћ возачу.
Ikarus is the
proper solution

When do you need?
In a hurry for delivery? We have your electric bus fleet ready for deployment even as soon as 6 months.
What do you need?
You imagine it, we bring it to life. With Ikarus you can order electric buses with customized features and design to align with your needs, even in small quantities.
How do you need?
Interested in renting or leasing? The choice is yours: purchase, lease or opt for long-term rentals to expand your electric bus fleet, starting at just €230 per day.

Ikarus is the
proper solution
When do you need?
In a hurry for delivery? We have your electric bus fleet ready for deployment even as soon as 6 months.
What do you need?
You imagine it, we bring it to life. With Ikarus you can order electric buses with customized features and design to align with your needs, even in small quantities.
How do you need?
Interested in renting or leasing? The choice is yours: purchase, lease or opt for long-term rentals to expand your electric bus fleet, starting at just €230 per day.